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Thesis Procedures


Office of Academic Affairs


☆ J1 National Taipei University of Technology Thesis Preparation and Specifications for Graduate Students
☆ J5 National Taipei University of Technology Policy of Master's Degree Examination
☆ J8 National Taipei University of Technology Implementation Guidelines for Academic Research Ethics Education of Graduate Students
☆ J9 National Taipei University of Technology Online Academic Research Ethics Education Course
Department of English   ☆ 國立臺北科技大學應用英文系碩士班修業規章  (112.01.10修訂)



Note Complete only the form you need.

1. Confirm Adviser(s) 

ENG Graduate Student Thesis Advisor Agreement (.doc, .odt, .pdf)
◎ Graduate Student Thesis Co-Advising Agreement (
.doc, .odt, .pdf)
◎ Application Form for Changing Thesis Advisor (
.doc, .odt, .pdf)

2. Make Thesis Proposal 

  2.1 Apply for Thesis Proposal
          (One (1) week is required between applying for a thesis proposal and the actual thesis proposal.)
EMA Coursework Transcript
EMA Thesis Proposal
ENG Thesis Proposal Application (.doc.odt.pdf)
ENG Thesis Proposal Committee Member List (.doc, .odt, .pdf)
  2.2 After Passing the Thesis Proposal
          (Two (2) months are required between a successful thesis proposal and a thesis defense)
ENG Thesis Proposal Acceptance Form (.doc, .odt, .pdf)

3. Compose Thesis 

OAA J1 National Taipei University of Technology Thesis Preparation and Specifications for Graduate Students

4. Defend Thesis 

  4.1 Apply for Thesis Defense
          Please note that deadline to apply for thesis defense is November 30 (first semester) and May 31 (second semester).
          (One (1) month is required between applying for a thesis defense and the actual thesis defense.)
EMA Coursework Transcript
EMA Thesis Abstract in English
EMA Thesis Abstract in Chinese
EMA Academic Research Ethics Education Courses for Graduate Students
OAA J1 Application for Oral Defense (OAA)
J5 National Taipei University of Technology Sheet of Degree Examination Committee (OAA)
OAA ◎ J2 Amendment to Master's Thesis Defense Committee (OAA)
◎ J12 Application Form for Degree Examination Withdrawal (OAA)
  4.2 Defend Thesis 
          Please note that deadline to complete a thesis defense is January 31 (first semester) and July 31 (second semester).
          ※Submit the document to the department office within four calendar days, starting on the day after the defense.
ENG Thesis Acceptance Confirmation (.doc, .odt, .pdf)
OAA J4 National Taipei University of Technology Evaluation Form for Degree Examination (OAA) 
J11 Thesis Committee Honorarium & Reimbursement Form (OAA)
J15 National Taipei University of Technology Score Sheet for Degree Examination (OAA)
J16 National Taipei University of Technology Degree Dissertation Originality Comparison Checklist (OAA) MORE INFO
  4.3 After Passing the Thesis Defense
OAA ◎ J17 Application Form for New Thesis Topic (OAA)

5. Submit Thesis & Graduate 


 Submission of Electronic Theses