BA Program
The BA program at Taipei Tech places equal emphasis on both theory and practice. In addition to meeting the needs of the business world and providing students with marketable professional skills, our BA program also has a special focus on cultivating student's interest in the humanities. We stress the development of students' critical thinking and independent learning abilities. Course assignments are focused on inspiring students' creativity and developing their ability to reflect and problem-solve. The BA program also emphasizes classroom discussions and aims to develop students' communication skills. Students are offered a variety of hands-on practical courses and internship opportunities to increase their employment competitiveness.
Overall, our BA program aims to cultivate creative professionals with strong English and global communication skills, a global vision, and excellent critical thinking capabilities. Our BA program graduates are capable of continuing their education in linguistics, literature, language education, translation, interpretation, and European and American studies. Our graduates are also fully equipped to enter the job market in education, cultural productions, translation, journalism, diplomacy, and business.