The National Model United Nations (NMUN) is an annual conference modeled after the actual United Nations. It is intended to help students around the world engage in social issues and resolve conflicts collaboratively in a culturally-diversed environment. You can learn more about Taipei Tech students' involvement in NMUN at the 2012, 2013, 2014, and 2015 Taipei Tech Goes To NMUN websites.
The NMUN event at Taipei Tech started in 2008 and is headed by the Taipei Tech Center for Teaching and Learning Excellence (CTLE) under the Teaching and Learning Excellence Project. The purpose of this project is to expand students’ international perspective and to promote an internationalized education on campus. By incorporating global issues from the United Nations, the project also aims to bring to students’ attention trending global issues, to strengthen students’ global communicative competence, and to familiarize students with international etiquette and rules of meeting procedures. The highlight of the Taipei Tech NMUN event is the participation in the NMUN conference in New York.
Taipei Tech students are encouraged to participate in the NMUN event. Students need to go through several stages of delegation selection and training before they are selected by a panel of faculty members to represent Taipei Tech in the NMUN conference. Each year, students of the Department of English play important roles in the Taipei Tech delegation.
Taipei Tech won the Honorable Mention Award in 2009. It was the first time Taipei Tech sent a delegation to the NMUN conference, and it was also the first time a Taiwanese delegation won an award. It was reported by the China Post.
The 2009 Taipei Tech delegation posed for a photo with the Honorable Mention Award in the UN General Assembly Hall
Link Nie, then a senior at the Department of English, was elected as the Chair of the Security Council in the 2013 NMUN conference. He was the first of the Taiwanese delegation to be elected to the position in an NMUN conference.
Link Nie, then senior of English, acting as the Chair of the Security Council
In 2015, Taipei Tech, representing Swaziland, was once again awarded the Honorable Mention Award. Two of the delegation members were also elected as the outstanding delegates in the model UNICEF committee. It was reported by the United Daily.
The 2015 Taipei Tech delegation posed for a photo in the UN General Assembly Hall