Our graduates work in a wide range of industries including education, translation, public sector, aviation, cultural productions and entertainment, tourism, and retail. There is also a wide range of types of jobs, including editors, translators, journalists, teachers, office managers, sales assistants, designers, programmers, civil servants, actors, musicians, flight attendants, airline ground crew, and secretaries. Additionally, a significant portion of our alumnae/i go on to pursue higher education in fields such as international affairs, linguistics, English literature, and business management, among others.
Stay Connected!
We would very much like to know how you are doing and what you are up to (jobs, further education, etc.). Drop us a line at ntuteng@gmail.com, and we will get back to you soon. If you remember your student number, please include it in your message; but if you don't, it's no problem! Do remember to include your name. ;-)
You can also connect with us through our Facebook page or check out our photos and videos. If you would like to contact a faculty member, please head to our Faculty page. If you cannot find who you're looking for, please write us through e-mail, and we will see what we can do. If you would like to drop by the office and say hi, you can find the current office information on the Contact Us page.
Multiple Career Options
Our Alumnae/i and Their Pursuits