Program Design
The MA program at Taipei Tech offers courses both in Applied Linguistics and in Cultural and Literary Studies; our overall goal is to cultivate global communication skills.* Students gain a thorough understanding of the English language and of the cultural background of English speakers. Students learn to apply their language skills and cultural knowledge creatively in a variety of situations. Our MA program also prepares students for today’s global job market where cross-cultural communication skills and international perspectives are imperative.
Applied Linguistics Courses
The Applied Linguistics courses provide both theory and practice and cultivate linguistics research professionals and global communication professionals. Our courses and research branch from the central theme of career-oriented applied linguistics and include lexical analysis, syntax studies, phonology, discourse analysis, technology and business English studies, translation and interpretation studies, and cross-cultural communication studies. Through the integrated training in professional English, linguistics, and translation and interpretation, students will build cross-cultural and global communication capability.
Cultural & Literary Studies Courses
The Cultural and Literary Studies courses focus on the idea that understanding societies’ cultures (including their literature, their films and art, their privileged ideologies, and their ways of thinking) is what really drives effective communication in English. We therefore stress viewing global communication through a multicultural lens, with English as the lingua franca. We offer students a solid foundation in critical thinking, cultural and literary analysis, and professional writing in English, allowing them to go on to successful careers in business or teaching or to go on to do further graduate study.
Students can mix and match courses from Cultural and Literary Studies and Applied Linguistics so as to develop the most useful individual program for them. Through our training, students gain global competitiveness in translation, marketing, and creative applications, such as filmmaking.) They become creative thinkers, effective and interesting communicators, proficient researchers, and clear writers, thereby gaining skills that will allow them to stand out in any career. By developing their own original research project and seeing it through, they also demonstrate their work ethic, their ability to think independently, and their leadership skills.
* The New Combined Program
Previous to the fall of 2015, the the Literary and Cultural Studies Track was separate from the Applied Linguistics Track. Our new unified program will allow students to explore courses in Applied Linguistics and Cultural and Literary Studies before deciding on their area of concentration. The merger has already been successfully implemented in the evening program, where students have enjoyed the larger choice of electives and the ability to take courses that best reflected their interests and research questions. Under the new merged program, some students may choose to write their theses strictly in Cultural and Literary Studies or strictly in Applied Linguistics; other students may write a thesis that draws on both areas.