研究發表會(Spring Symposium)
Symposium XV
Date: June 21, 2019
“The Sheep, the Possessed, and the Human Folly in Haruki Murakami's A Wild Sheep Chase” Presented by Sheng-yen Yu
“The Female Voice in Jim Harrison's Legends of The Fall”Presented by Ju-ying Vinia Huang
“Viral Behavior in the Era of Techno-Media Saturation”Presented by Thomas Wall
Symposium XIV
Date: June 26, 2018
“Disability and the Ethics of Sympathy: A Nietzschean Perspective on Shimamoto’s Limitations in Haruki Murakami’s South of the Border, West of the Sun”Presented by Sheng-yen Yu
“Possibility and Necessity in the Modal System of Cebuano and Tagalog”Presented by Michael Tanangkingsing
“Film and Social Prospects: The Convergence of The Shape of Water and Hidden Figures”Presented by Ju-ying Vinia Huang
“Faces in Tsai Ming-liang's Walker Enters the Dune”Presented by Louis Lo
“People Should Not Exist: David Benatar’s Neo-Gnosticism”Presented by Thomas Wall
“Critical Course Design in an EFL Context”Presented by Diane Sun
Symposium XIII
Date: June 26, 2017
“‘This was so and no slumber’: Antigonus’s Uncanny Experience in The Winter’s Tale”Presented by Sheng-yen Yu
“Modality in Philippine and Formosan Languages”Presented by Michael Tanangkingsing
“Cross-cultural Adaptations of Fairy Tales”Presented by Vinia Huang
“Taking It Slow: Suffering in Tsai Ming-ling's Stray Dogs”Presented by Louis Lo
“Ethics, Aesthetics, Poetics, Politics: Emmanuel Levinas and Giorgio Agamben”Presented by Thomas Wall
Symposium XII
Date: June 26, 2015
“The Magical Elements in Haruki Murakami’s Kafka on the Shore”Presented by Sheng-yen Yu
“The Pragmatic Functions of the ‘What’ Word in Cebuano”Presented by Michael Tanangkingsing
“Tolkien and Chaucer’s ‘Pardoner’s Tale’”Presented by Sharin Schroeder
“Punning: Having Fun with Language”Presented by Caroline C. Hwang and Andy Cheng
“The Amazing Maze as a Recurrent Motif in Contemporary Young Adult Novels”Presented by Vinia Huang
“Effects of Language Background on the Perception of Non-native Tonal Contrasts”Presented by Shawn Chang
“Time, Mathematics, and Cosmology”Presented by Thomas Wall
“‘No Ideas but in Things’: Translation and Translucency in Ezra Pound’s Cathay”Presented by Louis Lo
Symposium XI
Date: June 20, 2014
“Groping for ‘Felicity within Limits’: E. L. Doctorow’s The Book of Daniel”Presented by Sheng-Yen Yu
“A Comparison of Epistemic and Evidentiality Markers in Cebuano”Presented by Michael Tanangkingsing
“On Student Ownership of Learning and Knowing”Presented by Diane Sun
“The Theatricality of Revenge: Acting, Being, and Performing in Hamlet”Presented by Louis Lo
“She and He: Travel Fiction, Borrowing, and Literary Plagiarism”Presented by Sharin Schroeder
“The Profile of Collocations in the Example Sentences in Taiwanese English Textbooks”Presented by Caroline Hwang & Anna Lee
“Walt Disney Studios' New Midas Touch on the Old Literary Canons”Presented by Vinia Huang
“Use of Social Information in the Perception of Mandarin Alveolar-retroflex Contrast”Presented by Shawn Chang
Symposium X
Date: June 26, 2013
“The Attitudes toward Love, Sex, and Marriage in Three Hours after Marriage and The Beggar’s Opera”Presented by Sheng-Yen Yu
“Beyong Ressentiment: ‘Feminine Revenge’ in Henry James’ The Wings of the Dove”Presented by Louis Lo
“Andrew Lang: Man of Letters”Presented by Sharin Schroeder
“Houdini’s Congressional Testimony on Spiritualism”Presented by Kurt Cline
“Rule, Law, Form-of-Life: Agamben’s ‘Highest Poverty’”Presented by Thomas Wall
“Femininity in Ang Lee’s Movie Adaptation of Yann Martel’s Life of Pi”Presented by Vinia Huang
Symposium IX
Date: June 25, 2012
“Superheroes, Secret Knowledge and Myth”Presented by Kurt Cline
“Pronouns and Word Order Change in Cebuano”Presented by Michael Tanangkingsing
“The Naked Chaucer: (Strip)Mining the Medieval Period to Fuel Modern Films”Presented by John Griffith
“Speculation, Antagonism, and Resignation: Theological Attitudes to the Inscrutable in Moby Dick”Presented by Sheng-Yen Yu
“The Brush Driven by Pain in Chinese Calligraphy and Western Painting”Presented by Vinia Huang
“Dialogic Learning as Student Empowerment”Presented by Yu-Chi Sun
“(Im)personal Vengeance: Ressentiment, Nietzsche, and Beyond”Presented by Louis Lo
“Female Identity Construction in Chinese and English Advertisements”Presented by Caroline Hwang, Anna Lee
Symposium VIII
Date: June 28, 2011
“Romeo and Juliet in Taiwan and Japan”Presented by John Griffith
“Transformation and Felicity: Kate’s Marital Adaptation in The Taming of the Shrew”Presented by Sheng-Yen Yu
“Looking Back at Earth: Lacan and Deep Space Gazing”Presented by Vinia Huang
“Cultural Ambivalence in Daniel Defoe: A Feminist Reading of Moll Flanders”Presented by Tsai-ching Yeh
“But as a Discourse Marker in Negative Face”Presented by Vinia Huang
“e.e. cummings into infinity”Presented by Kurt Cline
“Revenge Culture: the Birth of Vengeance (Out of the Spirit of Tragedy)”Presented by Louis Lo
“Naive and Sentimental: The Films of Terrence Malick”Presented by Thomas Wall
Symposium VII
Date: June 25, 2010
“The Authorial Attitude toward Culture and Philistinism in Howards End”Presented by Sheng-Yen Yu
“Synesthesia, Images, and Energy in Chinese and English Poetry”Presented by Vinia Huang
“Introduction to Maurice Blanchot: Literature and the Right to Death”Presented by Thomas Wall
“From the Halfway-Convenant to the First Modern Nation: Systems-theoretical Perspectives on the Genesis of ‘American Identity’”Presented by Hannes Bergathaller
Symposium VI
Date: June 22, 2009
“The Language and Implications of Advertisements in Time Magazine: A Contrastive Analysis of the Asian and the U.S. Editions”Presented by Caroline Hwang
“Passion, Code Conflicts and Justice in The Broken Heart and ’Tis Pity She’s a Whore”Presented by Sheng-Yen Yu
“Art History Novels by Anglo-American Female Writers”Presented by Vinia Huang
“Cohesion and coherence in Jonathan Swift's A Tale of a Tub and The Mechanical Operation of the Spirit”Presented by I-Ping Ho
“The Biology of Literary Affect: William Flesch’s Comeuppance”Presented by Thomas Wall
“Poetry and Divination”Presented by Kurt Cline
“Coming of Age, Once More: Americanism, Cosmopolitanism, and the Allegories of National Maturity”Presented by Hannes Bergathaller
Symposium V
Date: June 20, 2008
“The Contingency of Silences in Henry James's The Wings of the Dove”Presented by Sheng-Yen Yu
“John Berger as the Meeting Point: Borges, Calvino and Eco”Presented by Vinia Huang
“Electronic Communication in Context: Interplay of Participant Factors”Presented by Chia-Ling Hsieh
“‘The Morning on the Wave’: Approaching the Glory of God”Presented by John Griffith
“Kant with Freud: Critique and Ambiguity”Presented by Thomas Wall
“A Pax Germanica of the Agriculteral World: Aldo Leopold’s A Sand County Almanac”Presented by Hannes Bergathaller
Symposium IV
Date: June 12, 2007
“Transacting and Making Meaning with Texts in the Response-Based Classroom”Presented by I-Ping Ho
“Crossdressing and Gender Identity in The Deceived and Twelfth Night”Presented by Sheng-Yen Yu
“Citizen Kane's 'Rosebud' in Light of the Heart Sutra: A Buddhist Reading”Presented by Vinia Huang
“Evidence and Stance: Toward a Functional Description of Chinese Evidential Expressions”Presented by Chia-Ling Hsieh
“Chaucer and Emersonian Perfectionism”Presented by John Griffith
“Walter Benjamin’s ‘On Language’”Presented by Thomas Wall