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Key Resources

The Five Key Resources

You should familarize yourself with the five key resources listed on this page. Much of what is written in the MA policy and procedures section on this website is based on and has direct connection with these five resources.

EMA Thesis Timeline & Flowchart

This flowchart lays out all of the steps and requirements of the MA thesis in a step-to-step manner. It should give you a bird's-eye view of the entire MA thesis process and help you decide the next action to take. Note that this flowchart is intended to be used alongside the detailed information on this policy and procedures website. The flowchart is available as a PDF for download.

Taipei Tech Office of Continuing Education Graduate Student Forms Website

The Office of Continuing Education hosts the forms and policies related to graduate students on the Office of Continuing Education Graduate Student Forms website. If a direct link to any document provided by the Office of Continuing Education becomes unusable, students should go to this website and find the necessary document.

Taipei Tech Master's Degree Thesis Defense Policy

This document defines the overall time frame and requirements of the master's degree thesis defense. The Department of English MA thesis defense policy is based on this document. The evening MA program and the MA program share the same thesis policy, which can be found on the Office of Academic Affairs Graduate Student Policies website. Search and download the document named “國立臺北科技大學碩士學位考試辦法” on the website. This document is available in both Chinese and English.

Department of English Master's Degree Evening Program Policy & Thesis Procedures

This document amends the “Taipei Tech Master's Degree Thesis Defense Policy” and defines the details of thesis defense policy and procedures for Department of English evening MA program students. 

Course List & Policy Sheets

The course list & policy sheets list an MA student's course and credit requirements. Download the course list & policy sheet of your year from the list of EMA Course List & Policy Sheets.