MA, Class of 2013
I graduated in 2013. I am an English teacher at Taipei Municipal Yang Ming Senior High School.
My thesis topic was “The Typicality of Collocations in the Example Sentences in Taiwanese High School English Textbooks.” As an English teacher for more than ten years, I’ve been using different versions of textbooks, which are highly emphasized here in Taiwan. The articles and example sentences provided in the textbooks are the main materials used by teachers. Therefore, I decided to do a small research project on the typicality of collocations embedded in the example sentences in the vocabulary section in the textbooks. Thankfully, Dr. Caroline Hwang offered her specialty and supervised my thesis until it was completed.
I’ve appreciated all the linguistic courses by Dr. Caroline Hwang, SLA and Research Methods (quantitative) by Dr. I-Chien Chen, Interpreting by Dr. Clarie Tsai,and Cross-Cultural Communication by Dr. Diane Sun. These professors are really nice and I’ve learned a lot from taking these courses.
Ten years later when I look back at my time at NTUT, I will still be grateful to the professors and grateful for the lectures they gave. I’ve learned a lot at NTUT, and I think it’s all because there are great professors in linguistics, interpreting, second language acquisition, and research methods. How I see and interpret things has totally changed into a more open-minded and analytical way. This is the most valuable part in the MA program.